Thursday 7 March 2013

Time to settle down ....


Ok, so you may be thinking it looks like there's lots of adventures and touristy activity but how about some preaching?

Well never fear we are getting our fair share of that too.

Every Tuesday and Friday everyone in the English group heads over to Rivas (a town about 45 mins away) and as this is a new group there are some maps that have been made but a lot of the work is still canvassing.  Seeing who in the territory speaks English and if they have a Bible interest.

We pack as many people as possible into the two available cars.  Porl found it quite a challenge to get out of the car when we arrived.  The group really needs another vehicle, we didn't budget to get a car or to run one but once we're in our own place we're going to see if there's any way we can help.

We had a funny experience, Lisa and I were just waiting on the street, between doors, waiting for Chase and Blake when a gentleman walked by.  I greeted him and he returned the greeting and kept walking.  But when he got a little way along the road he turned back and asked us what we were doing.  We explained that we were witnesses and that we were part of the English group so we were looking for English speakers today.  

He went on to tell us that he loves the Bible and learning from it but he also loves English so he asked if there was any way he could combine the both.  Of course we let him know that we offer free home Bible studies and if his English was good enough he could study in English.  He was keen so we arranged to visit him at his home later that day.  I took Porl back with me and it was sooo random lol.  The man, whose name is Alfredo, sat us down and when we showed him the 'What does the Bible Teach?' book he asked if Porl could read it in English and I could read it in Spanish which we proceeded to do.  But as soon as we started reading he brought out this little recorder and recorded us both, lol.  He said he wants to listen to it over and over again so that he can get really good at English and then he can help preach the good news.  Cute!  I think he's in about his seventies so if he's serious we're going to have an elderly Nicaraguan preaching the good news with a broad kiwi accent jeje.

This park is in the town centre of Rivas.

...   and a church across the road from the park.  A beautiful building falling into disrepair.

The next day we were back in San Juan preaching up and down some of the hills which gave us some lovely glimpses over the bay.

The bougainvillea putting on a lovely show in San Juan.


Kieran with some young bro's witnessing in San Juan.

Then it was Friday and back to Rivas.

It was another cosy ride, with Candace, Blaze, Emma, Blake and Kyle in the back of Pete and Hayley's 4WD and another 7 of us on the other seats.

Here are our new roomies.  As we have a gap between now and when the house we've found is available for us to move into Joe and Lisa and their son Blane have kindly taken us in for a few days.  We're having a great time with them, they're awesome company and great fun to be with.

Kieran & Jovany hanging with Blane as they re-live their childhood

Here's some of the crew from Friday's witnessing trip to Rivas.

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