Sunday evening found us back at Raquel's - they've just moved near the hall and he house seems to turned into the get-together house, she and her husband Andrew are so lovely and hospitable.
The reason this time was as a farewell to a couple of sisters, Patricia and Heyde who are going to serve with an isolated group somewhere - I can't remember where it is but it involves going up a river and into the jungle. Sounds right up our alley so have promised to go and visit :) We'll let you know when we're going and where exactly it is (just incase we never come out and someone needs to set up the search party jeje).
As it turned out another couple of our lovely new friends, Shana & India, were also due to leave so Raquel made it a double farewell for them too.
Raquel had either made, or got one of her friends to make, a massive chocolate cake and Shana and India had made some yummo, to die for brownies, aaaahhh finally a real chocolately fix.
Rafael said a nice little farewell speech and a few of the others present also had some lovely things to say in farewell.

Suleika organized a game - she had a bag full of random things and Heyde (black T with 'pink' on it) had to do a presentation to Patricia (red top) incorporating every item that Suleika handed to her from the bag - there was everything from a Jeremiah book, to a fan, hand sanitizer, food, an empty corn-chip bag and a song book, to name a few things. It was quite a crack-up.
Shana got a bit angry that that she didn't get a go! (kidding jeje)
The next morning we met Shana and India for a farewell breakfast at Iguanas (they have a pretty good breakfast selection if anyone comes to visit - everything from pancakes, huevos rancheros, desayuno americano etc etc - all for about $US4)
Michelle had a few words for the girls and said that they had been the best room mates ever!
On the way through town to catch the shuttle Vanita borrowed Kieran's board and showed that girls can do anything!
Much to our surprise when we arrived at the surf shop (where we take the shuttle) the owner Dave asked Porl if he'd drive the truck as they were short of drivers and we could just come back when we wanted. Sweet! Porl did well remembering to stay on the right hand side and the trip out to Ramanso went well, we all arrived safe and sound, of course! I wouldn't expect any different darl, with your superior driving skills ;)
The waves were awesome, Kieran caught one right out the back that was so big that everyone on the shore was cheering him on. I even caught a couple of rather large waves myself - on the last one it was such a vertical drop that I was preparing to eat it at the bottom as I thought I was sure to nose dive and it wouldn't have been pretty as it was one heck of a bit wave towering above me. Amazingly I managed to pull up at the bottom and head back up the face - it was awesome! Porl got some amazing waves too, big drops and long ride with lots of carving - you'll have to take my word for all of this however as I didn't take my big camera given that that beach is renowned for thieves (as is the road out there with people been held up and robbed, the old tree trunk across the road trick!).
Anyway where was I, oh yeah, epic waves and great rides for (nearly) all of us.
Unfortunately for India, things didn't go quite so well :(
She's learning to surf and bravely tried to catch one of the reforms, the board nosedived and snapped off and the board flipped back up driving the fin into her thigh leaving a nasty gash!
She just sent me an update of the wound - nasty!
But even that couldn't get rid of that lovely smile!
Everyone ended up back at our place for a bit to say our last farewells :(
Such lovely girls, we'll miss them a lot - good times, good times!
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