The days just seem to be blurring one into the other lately but here's a wee a catch up .....
..... seeing as the English group is part of the San Juan Spanish Congregation the brothers thought that some of the Spanish speakers might also like to learn or improve their English and join us sometimes for the English preaching.
At the moment we do about half and half. Some days we join with the Spanish congregation and preach in Spanish and other days we preach in English.
We thought half a dozen or so in the congregation might be keen to learn English and the brothers asked me if I'd be happy to help teach. I love to teach so I was keen. When the night came for the first lesson we were amazed and so pleased to have about thirty Spanish speakers turn up for the lessons. Along with the English speakers who came to help with the practice parts of the lesson we were about forty and it was awesome fun!
I think another young sister from the States and I are going to take turn about each week preparing and teaching the lesson so it should be fun.
The brothers and sisters were so lovely, they are all at different levels but most couldn't say more than hello but they all tried so hard and seemed to really enjoy themselves. I tried to keep the class nice and lively so there was lots of moving around and practicing. It was great fun and I'm looking forward to the next class.
On Saturday Porl and I joined the Spanish group and had a lovely morning witnessing locally.

I learnt all about the Tamarind Tree which has these groovy looking pods.
They dry out and fall off the tree so can be picked up off the ground. Just make sure that you find pods that have no holes in them, then you just crack the shell and inside are seeds covered with this delicious sticky tamarind paste - they're very moorish, kind of like a citrusy toffee or sweet sticky dried apricots. Yummy!
We have our English meeting on Saturday afternoon and Porl gave the talk this week that went very well. A group of us headed to 'The Black Whale' for dinner and we had a great night, I took on the giant burger and won and even got to play pool which was great. The evening unfortunately ended with me finding out that my phone had been stolen :( which is a shame as I had been able to use it a lot to take photos without being too obvious but ah well, it's just a thing, no lives or limbs were lost.
The next day I went to the Spanish meeting too because during the week I'd met a lovely little girl called Franchesca whose Mum is studying the Bible and they asked me if Franchesca could come with me to the meeting. So I walked up and collected her from her house at 10 am, her Mum said that she'd been ready since 6am lol. She also wants to have her own little Bible study each week so I gave her a Bible Story book and I'm going to visit her on Wednesday's after school so that we can study the book. She seemed to really enjoy the meeting and the brothers and sisters were very welcoming, she also spotted a little boy who attends her school but she was too shy to say hello :)
Yesterday, Sunday was our last night with Joey and Lisa so we took them out to dinner at Colibri. It's a lovely little restaurant and the meals were excellent, we had a bit of a splurge and I had a fillet steak done in a vodka cream sauce. ¡Qué rico!
Today we're moving to Mel's, the brother who has kindly offered us his house while he's in the States for three weeks, and then this arvo we're going zip-lining on a tree-canopy tour so hopefully we'll spot some monkeys and Chase's dream will come true of seeing a sloth!
We'll let you know how we go, watch this space!
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